
Download notepad++ msi package
Download notepad++ msi package

download notepad++ msi package

In order to use ConsoleDcmConnection, you will need to add an assembly reference to. Make a standard WqlConnectionManager connection to the site server.Ĭall the Extend method, passing the *cmdtx file, the ConnectionManagerBase object through an instance of ConsoleDcmConnection for the method connection parameter, and the connection path (example below). The Extend method call requires the *.cmdtx file created earlier. For an administrator console computer, this will initialize the cache for that user. This will then register the extension files for a given site server computer. The Windows Installer file should contain code to invoke the DeploymentTypeExtender.Extend method, which is located in the namespace. The Installer should copy this file to sms\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Forms. This file is required and provides the Deployment Type property page. This file is required and provides the console extension for the Create Deployment Type Wizard. The Installer should copy this file to sms\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Forms. This file is required and provides the console extension for the Create Application Wizard. The Installer should copy this file to sms\AdminConsole\bin. This file is required and contains the UX implementation, which is then bound to the Configuration Manager console using the below XML files. Basically, this will involve including the following files: The Windows Installer file will be responsible for installing the UX files in the correct locations, using the standards defined by the Admin Console team.

download notepad++ msi package

Generate a Windows Installer file which contains the *.cmdtx file, and UX files. To Create the Windows Installer File (*.msi) The basic contents of the Windows Installer file are shown below: The Windows Installer needs to copy the files into the correct locations and register the custom extension with the site server. After the Deployment Type Extension file (*.cmdtx) is created, you are expected to generate a Windows Installer file (*.msi) which contains the *.cmdtx file and the UX files.

Download notepad++ msi package